What if you could copy my process of starting a blog that makes $1K/month within 15 months?
Would you start a blog if you had the exact blueprint for starting and growing a blog to $1K a month within 15 months?
Tell me if this is you right now…
- Starting a blog seems overwhelming.
- You don’t know what niche to choose – you have so many ideas!
- You’ve read so many blog posts but you don’t know what to do after you buy a domain and hosting. What’s next?
- You’ve done this before but your blog never made any money – you had no idea how many posts to write and what posts to write for your blog.
- You have no plan or strategy for writing posts.
- You don’t know how to grow your traffic.
No matter how much you read, you’ve never been able to do it!
And what’s worse is, you know it’s possible (you’ve seen others do it) – you just want a little help to tell you what to do step by step so that you can finally start making money blogging.
Let me introduce you to “How to Start a Blog”

Everyone is starting a blog these days but you’re so overwhelmed you don’t know where to begin.
You wish someone would break it down for you and you’d get clear step-by-step instructions on what to do each day.
That’s where this eBook comes in.
I’ve grown 4 blogs (3 of which I started from scratch and grew in 2021-2023).
I’ve been constantly researching new methods to make blogging more fun and more easy.
I’ve organized each chapter into the exact order of how you should go about researching and organizing your blog starting process.
I explain how you can choose a profitable niche, monetize your blog, and what monetization methods will suit your niche.
I break down what you need to do before starting a blog and evaluating your niche so that you have a blog that actually makes money after you start it.
I teach you how to research topics and see if the niche is viable before you start a blog so this gives you the confidence to start your blog.
This eBook breaks down all the research I do before starting a blog and I then walk you through starting a blog and setting up Google Analytics so that you can rest easy and refer to this handbook for everything.
You can either spend years figuring this all out or just take the shortcut.
Now, that’s where I come in. My name is Shortcut Angela.
I was just like you.
I made several mistakes when starting my first 2 blogs.
That’s why research is crucial. I’ve researched and learned which methods work and which don’t.
I realized that topic research is extremely crucial before starting a blog. If you do topic research in a systematic way before you start your blog, you will have the confidence to start and grow your blog.
I’ve grown 4 blogs in the last 2 years and monetized all of them – they are all in 4 different niches.
Here are the earnings of my personal development and relationships blog exactly 365 days from when I started blogging on it:
Here is the income breakdown from month 1 to month 13:
In about 1 year, I managed to grow this website to 90K pageviews+ and it continues to bring me a good income month after month.
These are results from purely organic traffic, coming from Google.
If I can do it, so can you!
If you’re looking for just ONE resource to teach you how to validate your blog niche, this is it!
If you want a proper well-defined blueprint for researching topics that rank on the front page, this eBook is for you.
If you want to learn how to setup a blog correctly with the necessary pages and design elements, this eBook is just for you.
In short, this eBook will teach you to have a successful blog that has everything right from the start. It explains how to use Google Search and incorporate SEO so that you start ranking on Google as soon as you finish launching! This eBook doesn’t skip any detail!
The best part?
You don’t have to waste 5-8 hours on your blog every day. You can spend 2-3 hours per day on your blog and see results within a short time!
This eBook will teach you how to reach your 1K income goal without breaking your head!

In this eBook, you will learn:
- Fundamentals of blogging: How to choose a good niche (all the parameters), what niches to avoid, and how to choose a high RPM niche.
- Doing Research before starting the blog: How to research topics (systematically) that bring in traffic and have zero competition, what type of blog posts to write in the beginning, what topics to stay away from
- How to Choose a Domain Name: How to choose a domain name that’s easy to grow with, remember and pronounce – and what to avoid
- How to buy hosting and install WordPress: Why free hosting is bad and how to upgrade as you become an intermediate blogger
- Branding and Design: How to choose a good WordPress theme, how to design a simple logo, what kind of images you should use and how to customize a font for easy user readability
- What Pages you Need & setting up Google Analytics: All the necessary pages you need for your website and how to set up your homepage and blog page for easy navigation
- Understanding traffic and monetization: How long it takes to get organic traffic + examples and steps to monetize your blog in different ways to diversify monetization
- How to Write SEO-optimized content: How to use AI safely, how to understand search intent, how to research and outline posts, how to write and edit blog posts
and so much more!
Blogging changed everything for me
I started blogging to escape my long working hours.
It took me a couple of months to make blogging work. Since then, I’ve started 3 more blogs and they’re all monetized.
I have blogs in different niches (hair, drawing, and relationships) and I have monetized them in several different ways. I explain all of it in my eBook.
This is why I know that this eBook works – because I’ve recorded all the steps I’ve used to grow in each blog in this very eBook.
I’m not talented or unique.
I follow a system – a technique to grow each blog to its full potential.
This system can be applied to any blog in any niche (provided the niche follows certain criteria).
I’ve taught this method to thousands of my customers and clients – I continuously update myself and my knowledge by doing blog audits and blog coaching.
And in this eBook, I share everything I’ve used to make my blogs earn a passive income for me.
If I can do this, so can you.
Who am I to be teaching you this?

Hey you! My name is Angela Mary Vaz. I’m an Illustrator and Comic Artist. And I teach women how to build beautiful and colorful Online Businesses.
I was just like you a little while ago.
I was confused, didn’t know where to start, and had no idea how to build an Online Business. Everything you see on my Blog is built from scratch. I learned how to code, how to draw, and how to build a business all by myself.
I’ve grown a loyal following, have over 9K subscribers, and earn a full-time income with my Blogs.
It took me years to do this.
But you don’t need to.
I’m here to speed up your learning time and help you get to your first $1K a month, fast! If you’ve read my blog, you know I get down and dirty with extremely detailed tutorials. I don’t like to fluff.
That’s why I created this eBook to make starting a blog super easy for you. I want you to make a full-time income with your Blog!
Frequently Asked Questions:
The eBook is in a PDF format that is complete with text and illustrations that is super easy and fun to read on any device!
This eBook is for bloggers and people who want to start a blog from scratch but are overwhelmed with all the research. I’ve developed a systematic approach that I teach in this eBook. I will teach you how to research topics before starting the blog and validate your niche. Then I’ll explain how to do SEO from scratch.
You will also learn how to pick your first topics to blog about, what topics to stay away from, and what to do as you keep growing. I teach you how to install Google Analytics and incorporate different monetization strategies as you keep growing your traffic. I also teach you how to use Google to find good topics to write about.
It contains beginner, and intermediate SEO strategies that are broken down into simple language for you to follow.
Grow your Blog to $1K is for intermediate bloggers who have basic knowledge of starting a blog and researching topics but have trouble growing. This eBook will serve as a fundamental textbook for blogging.
Basically, if you’ve never owned or started a blog but have always been meaning to – then this eBook is for you.
It breaks down SEO into easy-to-understand language and covers everything you need to know about traffic and monetization so that you aren’t overwhelmed.
This eBook pairs very well with the Grow Your Blog to $1K so do consider buying that too if you love this one!
Due to the digital nature of this product, I cannot offer refunds. However, if you have any questions, feel free to email me@straycurls.com and I will help you out!
How does forever sound? You will have access to this eBook and all future updates forever once you make this purchase!
In this eBook, I teach you how to validate your niche – this is something most courses or eBooks don’t cover. I teach you how to do topic research and keyword research before covering how to start a blog. This way, you’ll gain confidence to know whether your blog niche has what it takes to succeed.
Imagine this:
In just 1 week, you will have started a blog that has everything it needs to grow.
You will learn how to get traffic to your brand-new blog.
You will have a clear, systematic understanding of SEO – you won’t have to scramble searching for keywords.
You will be ranking on the front page of Google for multiple keywords.
You’ll make a steady income every single month – that can replace your job’s income.
And you can quit your 9-5 job that’s tiring you and not letting you spend time with your family.
You can finally do what you love for a living.
With just one click…
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