Why is an About Me page important, you ask?

Imagine yourself sitting with your laptop and a cup of tea (or coffee). You’re flipping through your feed and you come across an interesting Blog Post.

You click on it.
You read it.
And you love it!

What’s the next step? You subscribe of course!

But wait… How do you know if this blog is going to be worth your time?

You need details. And fast.

So where do you go? The About page of course!

Even if you look up Stray Curls on Google, this is the first thing that pops up:



Your About page is mighty important as it sends direct traffic to your website from Google itself!

The About page is the most popular page after all your Blog Posts. That’s because, your readers want to know the face behind the mask. It helps them get to know you.

The real you.

Also, this is what makes them decide if they want to stick to your blog or bid you a speedy farewell.

What makes a good About Page?

A good About page:

  • Helps your readers understand what your Blog is about.
  • Attracts brands, collaborators and potential clients.
  • Builds a strong connection with your readers.
  • Helps your readers understand what sets you apart from the crowd.

Now that we’ve covered why you need a good About Me Page, let’s get down to business – Crafting an extraordinary About Me page.

If you haven’t started your blog yet, and are completely overwhelmed, read this easy step-by-step guide on how to create a Blog from scratch. I cover monetizing techniques and also share tips on how to create a Blog that people will read.

Moving on… Let’s dive into writing a good About Page.

1. An Introduction that will stick.

Write a short, apt description of yourself and your Blog in nothing longer than a couple of lines. Tell your readers who you are, what you do and what exactly is your Blog going to do for them.

After all, your readers want to know what is in it for them.

This is where you disclose your Mission Statement – your passionate one liner.

By revealing the intentions of your Blog, you are helping your readers to understand the basic message of your Blog.

It builds trust.

It builds a relationship.

And this helps your readers decide if they want to stick around for more.

In this example, you’ll notice that Elna Cain manages to convey the essence of her Blog in just a few short sentences.

Elna Cain summarizes her blog in just a few sentences

Therefore, the main goal of your About Page is to NEVER let your readers forget who you are and what you do!

2. The “WHY” behind your Blog.

Now that your readers know who you are and what you do, they want to know the why.

  • What inspired you to create your Blog?
  • Why did you get into this field?
  • What are you passionate about? How does this passion weave into your work?

It is important for your readers to understand this.

For example, you go to a Doctor. Your Doctor directly starts prescribing medication. Are you comfortable taking these without an explanation? Sure, he’s a doctor and knows what he’s doing.

But why? Why is he writing down this huge list of drugs?

An explanation always helps you build trust. Building trust is what you need to aim for.

So, tell your story.

In this little screenshot, Elan (from Elan Blog Studio) sympathizes with the reader and explains to them how hard it is to find design tutorials and resources and that is why she is sharing her Design Resources.

Therefore, she is sharing these tips because she wants to make it easy for people to learn Design. And you can’t help but feel connected to her.

It establishes a relationship.

Furthermore, your “why” must resonate with your blog’s niche.

“I started an art blog because I’ve always been so passionate about art. It can change the whole atmosphere of a room. Art can inspire you, make you happy or make you cry. It makes you feel.”

If it helps, picture you are talking to a friend. Let the conversation flow. Type from your heart. Get creative!

This also works when you’re trying to come up with the “Why” for your Target Audience.


You can always edit your page later and cut down on a few sentences.

3. Sprinkle Photos/Illustrations.

All text and no pictures put Jack the reader to sleep.

[bctt tweet=”All text and no pictures put Jack the reader to sleep. ” username=”straycurls92″]

That sentence is pretty self-explanatory.

Large blocks of text really tire the human eye.

Make sure that you embed images in your posts to avoid the reader from getting sore eyes.

We live in a visual world. For this reason, you have to include lots of pictures/design elements to help keep it interesting.

Showing the world what you look like will help your readers know that you are in fact a real person and not just some robot. You can include a few photos.

Although, how cool would it be to actually meet a robot behind an awesome blog?

If you’re uncomfortable using Photos, you can always use Illustrations. When I was overhauling my own About Page this week, I made sure to include a few illustrations to help lighten the large blocks of text.

Because in case you haven’t noticed, I’m quite a chatter box.

Your About Me Page should have your personality infused in it.

In the meantime, if you like what you see and would like a couple of Illustrations for your own website, I would love to work with you.

Get my 12 page blog planner for 2020 for free! This printable fun blog planner comes with stickers and lots ofwriting space to help you grow your blog!

4. Elaborate on your services.

Now that your readers have a brief idea on who you are and what your Blog is about, market your services.

Remember to keep this section updated.

As your Blog evolves, your services may change as well. Make sure that you update it every 6 months, just to keep it fresh.

This is one of the best ways to market your Blog for free.

As your traffic grows, you will need to keep updating your pages.


In this example here, you can see how Megan (from Megan Martin) highlights the features of her Blog.
Services on Megan's Blog About Page

Now, I choose to have a separate Services page with my prices.

However, I have included buttons in my About page to help people get to the popular sections of my website.

Imagine you’ve just entered a hotel.

The lobby is where you go when you need directions to get to dining area or the pool. Basically, wherever your readers are, they should find it easy to navigate to each page without much difficulty.


5. A couple of tidbits about you.

Now that you’re done with the serious stuff, it’s time to throw in some fancy quirks about you. Let your readers know more about you – your hobbies, your likes, your dislikes, your reason for inspiration. Let your personality shine through with this section.

For Example, Zie Darling (from Zie Darling) includes 1-2  points that flaunt her fun personality.

Include fun points to showcase your personality.

Additionally, you can also shoot an intro video and embed it in your About Page. And the quickest way to do that is to film it using your laptop, phone or an inexpensive vlogging camera.

6. A Call To Action.

After your readers are done reading your About Page, you need to give them something to do.

And a Call To Action does just that!

End your About page with a bang by making them stick around for more! You can do this in tons of ways by

  • Keeping a Subscription Box
  • Including a few of your most popular Blog Posts
  • Mentioning a FREE course that you’ve created

Moreover, you can include this Call To Action even on your Home Page and Sidebar. This is one of the best way to rope in your readers and keep them on your site longer.

For example, Allison (from Wonderlass) includes a sweet little Call To Action at the bottom of her About Page offering women a chance to join her extremely fun and supportive Facebook Group that is dedicated to helping Bloggers and Entrepreneurs grow their business.

Include a call-to-action to help move traffic to other pages and keep people on your website.

As a matter of fact, Allison uses her creativity to make sure that her whole website is infused with her vibrant and colorful personality.

To summarize, your About page is the only page that focuses on the person behind the behind rather than the blog’s audience.


7. Link to your About Page as often as you can.

Once you’ve finished crafting your About page, don’t just leave it in the menu bar and saunter off.

You’ve worked mighty hard to write that page, so go ahead showcase it! In my sidebar, you’ll notice that I have a Read More hyperlink at the end of my Author’s Bio that takes them to my About page.

Overall, you want your blog visitors to stick around for longer.

Pro Tip: Try to link to at least 3-5 different pages/posts in your website in every page. This not only boosts your traffic but helps Search Engines crawl your website more easily.

Furthermore, you might also like to read my number 1 traffic strategy that helped me gain 18,000+ pageviews in my 3rd-month blogging.

So, that comes to the end of this tutorial on how to create an extraordinary About Me page. Additionally, you can read my About page right here!


If you found this post useful, be a doll and share it with the world.

Come on, you know you want to.

Get my 12 page blog planner for 2020 for free! This printable fun blog planner comes with stickers and lots ofwriting space to help you grow your blog!









