If you’re wondering why you aren’t ranking higher on Google’s Search Engines, a high bounce rate could be the answer.

Your website’s Bounce Rate is one those metrics that Google cares deeply about, and if it’s skyrocketing right now, don’t panic.

I have listed several proven strategies that will help you understand how to reduce your bounce rate.

Remember, by decreasing your bounce rate, you are directly increasing your conversions and traffic.

Grow your blog traffic with this lovely free 5 day email course that will teach you how to double your blog traffic and automatically grow your blog!

Okay, before I even discuss the different ways you can reduce your Bounce Rate, I will briefly explain what is bounce rate and why you need to care about it.

If you are currently blog-less at the moment, then please head over to my step-by-step guide that explains how you can easily start a blog in 10 minutes!

Or you can take my free 7-day course on starting a blog that makes money on autopilot!

Start a blog that makes money from day 1. The Ultimate free email course on starting a profitable blog that gains lots of blog traffic and grows quickly! Learn how to discover your profitable niche, write viral blog posts, create a blog content plan and sales funnels. #startablog #emailcourse #freedownload


This post includes affiliate links, meaning at no extra cost to you, I might make a small commission if you decide to buy something and this money will be used to feed my poor lil’ dogs. They are perennially hungry, my little ones.

Those little rascals…



What is bounce rate?

This is definitely not what I mean by bounce rate…

A bounce can be defined as a single user visit to your website.

Meaning, say someone wanted to find ways to increase their blog traffic and they visited this blog post. They read the post and they’re happy because they got the solution to their problem and leave.

This is considered a bounce. Why?

Because they didn’t click anywhere else. They didn’t visit any other post or page. They just read the first thing they visited and left.

Meaning the user has generated only a single view.

If a user does not click anywhere else and leaves your website, this is considered as a single user visit and becomes a bounce.

Like this single, sad, miserable pea…

But this can also mean that they did not find what they were looking for and left hastily in order to find another page that did solve their problem!

So, your Bounce Rate is basically the percentage of people who enter and leave on the same page without clicking to any other posts or pages.

How do you find your website’s Bounce Rate?

It’s quite simple.

Just login to your Google Analytics dashboard.

And head on to Audience > Overview. You will see the following screen:

By using Google Analytics, you can view your Bounce Rate in Audience > Overview.

That is your Bounce Rate!

Why should you care about your Bounce Rate?

As I mentioned earlier, Google deeply cares for your Bounce Rate. And it uses this as one of its ranking factors. Means, if your Bounce Rate is too high, Google might not let you rank on the front page for a specific keyword.

Trust me, you do not want to be on Google’s bad side.

He’s the Big Boss.

Google basically determines several factors to rank websites on their Search Engine and Bounce Rate is a very important metric!

Hell yeah, I am.

So, without further ado, let’s move on to the super-easy proven strategies that will reduce your website’s high bounce rate and increase traffic and conversions!

Website look and feel

1. Do not compromise on your website’s design

Read this post to understand what types of blogs do really well this year. And once you’ve decided which blog you’re going to go ahead with, pick a good theme.

A lot of Bloggers use Free WordPress Themes.

Do. Not. Do. That.

Not only can everyone tell it’s free, but it makes people believe that you are hesitant to invest in your own website or blog.

Invest in a theme that is mobile-friendly, SEO friendly, allows Google to crawl your website, and gives you amazing flexibility to choose a lovely design that will help you to rank higher in Google!

Divi WordPress Theme

And Divi is by far one of the best WordPress themes that you can buy.

It’s a one-time investment and you can do literally anything with it. It’s super customizable and comes with loads of options!

The best part? It’s a drag-and-drop theme. Meaning you don’t need to know a single word of coding to use this baby.

You won’t regret it…

2. Make sure your website is mobile-friendly

Almost 70% of the world’s population browse on their mobiles. And if your website isn’t mobile-friendly, imagine how many people you are driving away…

By not making your posts shareable, you're missing out on a huge amount of blog traffic!

Ewww…. this blows!

So, don’t skip this important step.

Again, if your website theme is mobile-friendly like Divi, you have nothing to worry about.

3. Disable popups

A lot of bloggers use Pop-ups to get more email sign-ups.

I totally understand that this particular advantage is difficult to ignore, but if you are keen on decreasing your bounce rate, then disable immediate popups.

Immediate Pop-ups are super annoying and really hamper your reader’s reading experience.

Having too many popups on your website will definitely increase your bounce rate. So avoid popups as much as possible!


However, there is an alternative.

If you want to use pop-ups, then you can use the Bloom Plugin from Elegant Themes.

You can wait till your user is about 50% done with your blog post and then enable the pop-up.

This is definitely less intrusive and will definitely improve your reader’s reading experience.

4. Improve your website’s text readability

Don’t use large paragraphs and write essays.


Ain’t no one got time for that.

If you don't format your posts properly, you will run the risk of people skimming your posts and not reading anything. Make sure you use appropriate headings and sub-headings. Break up lengthy paragraphs into bulletin points.

Here are a few ways to increase readability:

  • Break down your blog post into relevant sections so that there’s an easy flow between passages. Noticed how I started this blog post? I started with what, then why, and lastly how you can reduce your bounce rate.
  • Use headers and subheaders wherever necessary.
  • Use lots of bulletin points.
  • Spice up your content with lots of images, graphs, and diagrams.
  • Write informally so that your readers feel like you’re talking to them.

Speed and Functionality

5. Optimize your website’s speed

This is a no-brainer.

No one likes using a slow website, no matter how cool or informative it is.

By increasing your website's loading time, you will reduce your bounce rate!

Dream on, Robert…

So use Pingdom to calculate your website’s speed and follow all the suggestions to get it working faster! This will dramatically reduce your bounce rate.

6. Use a caching plugin

I’m currently using WP Super Cache. And it’s super cool!

In order to attract clients, your website should be clear and concise.

It will reduce your page loading speed and this helps readers load everything faster! Thus contributing to the previous point.

Learn how to grow your Blog traffic with these strategic tips that top bloggers have used to gain 100K pageviews. Includes indepth SEO and keyword strategies and so much more! Also includes 3 Bonuses.

7. Use an image compressing plugin

ShortPixel is by far one of the greatest image compression plugins I’ve used and no, it doesn’t decrease the quality of your images or pixelate them.

8. Delete plugins you don’t use

In WordPress, hoarding plugins is a bad idea because some of them tend to slow your website down. So, don’t just deactivate old and unused plugins, delete them.

Try to keep no more than 20.

Good blogging practices

9. Have a consistent blogging schedule

This is one major blogging mistake that many bloggers (including myself make).

Consistently pushing out 5 posts a week and then disappearing for 3 months is a bad, bad blogging practice.

There’s nothing worse than landing on a blog and finding out that their last post was published 3 months ago.

Aim to publish a post at least once a week. If you’re too busy, then make some sort of update to an earlier post and re-publish it.

If you’re just starting a blog in a micro-niche or you’re starting a lifestyle blog, then this is what your schedule should look like for the first 2 years:

  • Write 10 articles a month for the first 3 months
  • Write 7-8 articles a month for the next 6 months
  • Write 5 articles a month for the next 3 months
  • Write 4-5 articles every month for the next year

Always show your audience that you are active.

This will not only help boost your traffic but increase sales and conversions.

You should aim to have a blog post schedule that shows your blog post titles for the next 3 months.

This really helps you stay consistent. You don’t need to search for topics to blog about at the last minute.

I’ve successfully used this method to stay on track from December to now. And I have noticed my sales go up. Because I’m sticking to blogging about one particular topic alone!

If you find that you’re constantly busy and find it difficult to find time to blog, I suggest you read my post on 27 hacks to become an ultra-productive blogger!

If you love printables, might I suggest downloading my free 12-page blog planner? It comes with stickers too!

Get my 12 page blog planner for 2020 for free! This printable fun blog planner comes with stickers and lots ofwriting space to help you grow your blog!

In the last few weeks, I have only published posts that relate to growing blog traffic and increasing engagement.

All these posts are directed toward Beginner Bloggers who want to create a stellar blog in 2022. And by reinforcing this value with each blog post I write, my message gets stronger and stronger.

10. Know your target audience

This is extremely important if you want to decrease your bounce rate.

Know exactly whom you’re writing for and aim for no one else. The more narrow and defined your blogging niche is the better your results.

If you’re going to try and please everyone, you might as well give up now.

My website doesn’t attract anyone looking for recipes, DIY tutorials, or anything that isn’t related to blogging, business, and creativity.

And that’s perfectly okay! By attracting people who are actually interested in your content, you are actively reducing your bounce rate.

This post will help you learn how to define your target audience and write posts that will cater only to them!

By using this strategy to write viral blog posts, you can not only look like an expert on the topic, but this will help people develop trust in you as a Creator and in turn, they will be more inclined to buy your products.

11. Don’t blog for the sake of blogging

A lot of bloggers end up making this rookie blogging mistake.

Every post you write must resound with your blog’s Business Plan. It must fit in with the rest of your posts on your Blog.

If it doesn’t line up, scratch it and go back to the drawing board.

If your post or product doesn't align with your Blog's Mission Statement, scrap it and go back to the Drawing Board.

This not only makes linking to other posts easier but helps people tremendously.

Additionally, each blog post you write must be super detailed and long. Long-form content does better in terms of traffic and engagement.

Providing value to your readers should be your primary aim before you begin any blog post. This is how you stand out!

Always ask “What’s in it for them?” before you start writing. And if you know your target audience, creating a blog content plan for a whole year becomes super easy!

Because someone staying on your website for more than 5 minutes tells Google that your website is really interesting and engaging.

This will help your website rank higher!

12. Link internally to other blog posts.

This becomes very easy when all your blog posts are related to each other in terms of your Blogging niche and topic.

For instance, if you’re reading this post, then you will most likely be interested in increasing your blog traffic.

So I will link to my post that discusses 27 strategies to increase blog traffic and also to my free email course that will help you double your blog traffic!

Grow your blog traffic with this lovely free 5 day email course that will teach you how to double your blog traffic and automatically grow your blog!

See what I did there?

Apart from linking internally to other posts of yours, use a good related posts plugin that will display similar posts at the bottom of each blog post. I don’t use a plugin because my WordPress theme comes with a built-in feature.

This is really useful and is a guaranteed way to reduce your bounce rate.

13. Have a clear and well-defined call to action

If you’ve been following me for a while, you’ll know I stress this a lot! If you don’t pay attention to this point, it will be very difficult for your Blog to make money.

Basically, before you even start writing your blog post, you should know what your call-to-action must be. There are a lot of types of call-to-actions:

  • To create brand awareness
  • To promote an affiliate product
  • Generate Lead generation
  • Collect Email sign ups
  • Generate more comments
  • Get more social media shares

And so on.

This post for instance is to direct users to my free email course that will help them double their blog traffic.

Never have more than 2 call-to-actions per post. This will confuse your readers and they won’t know where to click or what to do.

In my post – how to write a viral blog post I talk about how you should always end your blog post with a brief synopsis and then motivate the reader to try out what they’ve just learned.

This provides a good experience for the reader and leaves them with something positive to take away.

A lot of people who leave my website remember to come back because of the hand-drawn illustrations I use on my Blog.

The key to have an amazing blog is to not only know how to find your target audience online but also to stand out from the competition in whatever you do.

Therefore,  their experience matters.

BONUS TIP: Use Videos

These days, everyone is moving to more visual content which means more images and videos.

So, I would highly recommend that you start shooting videos. You don’t need extremely expensive equipment and it’s super easy to embed videos in your blog posts.

You can read my list of inexpensive but amazing vlogging cameras here.


I’ve discussed 13 ways to reduce your bounce rate.

If your bounce rate is high at the moment, don’t panic. With time and consistent blogging, you can slowly bring it down.

Aim to create quality content at a consistent pace. This is by far one of the best methods that have helped me reduce mine.

Never compromise on quality, be it your hosting, your WordPress theme, or content.

Once you’ve built a good reputation online, your bounce rate will automatically reduce.

Okay, I’m handing the mic over to you now.

So what is your favorite way to reduce your bounce rate?

What method are you going to implement right now to reduce your bounce rate?

Here are some posts you might enjoy reading: